Anti Wrinkle Injections

From £130
Takes roughly 30 minutes

Muscle relaxing injections of Botulinum Toxin are used to relax overactive facial muscles and reduce and help prevent the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

Wrinkles are caused by the skin losing elasticity as you age and the long-term effects of muscle contractions from smiling, frowning and laughing. Anti-wrinkle injections are given into the muscles, temporarily putting them to sleep for a period of three to six months. The aim of the treatment being to reduce the appearance or further development of the lines.

It’s all about Prevention not cure!!

Areas to treat are commonly Frown, Forehead & Eyes (crows feet)

Areas for Advanced anti-wrinkle treatment Bunny Lines, Lip Flip, Eyebrow lift, smokers lines, marionette lines, gummy smile, teeth grinding, jowl lift, nasal tip lift & chin dimpling.

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